The IIO is comprised of two main work units – Investigations and Operations:

Investigations: Led by a Chief of Investigations, Operations and a Chief of Investigations, Strategy, Performance and Engagement, the IIO is currently comprised of three teams of Investigators and one specialized forensics support team. Each of the four teams is led by a Director. IIO Investigators are comprised of former police officers and civilians who have significant experience in a wide variety of investigative, legal, regulatory and enforcement fields. The forensics support team is staffed by Investigators with specialized skills who conduct scene examinations as well as monitor the work of police forensic personnel to ensure that best practices are maintained in scene processing and evidence collection.

Included in the Investigations unit are two Affected Persons Liaisons (APL) who provide support to those affected by incidents that the IIO is investigating. This support includes referrals to community resources for Affected Person’s and their family, in addition to providing investigative updates where practicable. The APL is the conduit between Affected Persons and/or their families and the IIO.

Operations: Led by the Chief Operating Officer, Operations includes legal, investigations administrative support, communications and corporate services.

Legal: The Legal team performs two primary functions: offering legal support and advice to the Investigations unit to ensure appropriate legal protocols are followed, and providing legal support and advice directly to the Chief Civilian Director in organizational or file related matters.

Investigations Administrative Support: The IIO’s Investigations unit is supported by six Investigative Assistants and one Investigative Analyst.

Communications: The IIO’s Media and Communications Liaison is responsible for coordinating responses to media inquiries, developing media releases, managing the IIO website, and internal/external communications.

Corporate Services: The Corporate Services team encompasses several program areas, including Information Technology, Human Resources, Finance, Facilities, Privacy, Records Management, Training and Administrative Support.

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