IIO Concludes Investigation into Fatal Motor Vehicle Incident in Kelowna (2025-063)

Case: 2025-063 Incident Date: February 27, 2025 Agency: Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit Location: Kelowna Agency: Uniform Gang Enforcement Team Incident Classification: Death Case Status: Closed - Without Public Report

Independent Investigations Office
For Immediate Release

Surrey, B.C. — The Independent Investigations Office (IIO) of BC has now completed its investigation into a fatal motor vehicle incident in Kelowna where one woman died (IIO 2025-063).

At about 6:00 p.m. on February 27, 2025, officers with the Uniform Gang Enforcement Team driving in an unmarked police vehicle observed an uninsured black BMW being driven north on Highway 97. When the BMW turned right off Highway 97, the officers also turned.

The BMW began driving faster and merged back onto Highway 97, at which point the officers lost sight of it. The officers continued on Highway 97 with the flow of traffic in the same direction as the BMW was last seen.

A short time later, the BMW was involved in a collision with a Mitsubishi SUV and a Mazda sedan at the intersection of Highways 97 and 33.

Witnesses stated that the police vehicle was not behind the BMW when the collision occurred, and video from a vehicle near the intersection similarly shows no police vehicles at the time of the collision. There is no evidence that police attempted to conduct a traffic stop of the BMW prior to the collision.

One of the occupants of the Mitsubishi went into medical distress following the collision and was taken to a hospital for treatment. Sadly, she did not survive. None of the other parties involved sustained serious injuries.

The IIO was notified of the incident shortly after it occurred and began an investigation.

The Chief Civilian Director has reviewed the evidence – including statements from civilian witnesses, video footage, and police records – and determined that there are no reasonable grounds to believe that any officer may have committed an offence. The officers had lawful grounds to follow the BMW for the brief time they did and are not responsible for the BMW’s driving behaviour.

The IIO investigation is now concluded.


The IIO is the Independent civilian oversight agency of the police in British Columbia. It investigates all officer-related incidents that result in serious harm or death, whether or not there is any allegation of wrongdoing.


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