IIO Investigators Deployed to Kamloops

Independent Investigations Office
June 16, 2014

SURREY – The Independent Investigations Office (IIO) confirms that its investigators have been deployed to a fatality in Kamloops.

According to the RCMP, shortly after 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 15, its officers attended Royal Inland Hospital in response to a report of an 18 year-old  male threatening to jump from a parking structure. Officers located the youth and verbally engaged him. At some point, a physical altercation ensued. The youth broke free from the officers and reportedly jumped from the third level of the parking structure. He sustained serious injuries and was immediately hospitalized. He later died in hospital as a result of his injuries.

The IIO was notified immediately and deployed investigators to Kamloops on Monday, June 16.

The IIO and the RCMP will work within the terms agreed upon in the Memorandum of Understanding that was signed by the Chief Civilian Director and B.C.’s police services in July 2012. As set by the Chief Civilian Director, the IIO’s goals are to conduct fair, unbiased, timely, thorough and competent investigations and ensure transparency through public reporting.

Please note that no additional information is available at the present time.


Owen Court
Independent Investigations Office of BC

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