IIO Is Seeking Witnesses To A Motor Vehicle Incident Near Kelowna (2025-063)

Case: 2025-063 Incident Date: February 27, 2025 Agency: Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit Location: Kelowna Agency: Uniform Gang Enforcement Team Incident Classification: Death Case Status: Open - Investigation in Progress

Surrey, B.C. — The Independent Investigations Office of BC (IIO) is seeking witnesses to a motor vehicle incident that occurred on Highway 97 in Kelowna on February 27, 2025.

Information provided by police states, that at around 6:15 p.m., members of the Uniform Gang Enforcement Team in an unmarked police vehicle were behind a black two-door BMW being driven north on Highway 97.

As the BMW reached the intersection with Highway 33, it was then involved in a collision with a southbound Mitsubishi SUV that was turning left to head east on Highway 33.

A woman in the Mitsubishi then went into medical distress. She was taken by ambulance to the hospital but later died.

The IIO was notified of the incident shortly after it occurred and has commenced an investigation. Initial investigative steps will seek to confirm the extent of police involvement and what role, if any, that involvement may have played in the woman’s death.

The IIO is asking anyone who observed or has video footage of the collision to please contact the Witness Line toll-free at 1-855-446-8477 or via the contact form on the iiobc.ca website.


The IIO is the Independent civilian oversight agency of the police in British Columbia. It investigates all officer-related incidents that result in serious harm or death, whether or not there is any allegation of wrongdoing.


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