IIO Update August 20, 2015

Independent Investigations Office
For Immediate Release


New investigations: jurisdiction sustained

IIO 15-116 Vancouver Police Department (death)

On August 13, IIO investigators were deployed to a critical incident in Burnaby. According to the Vancouver Police Department, at approximately 2:30 p.m. officers responded to a complaint of a male causing a disturbance. Officers subsequently located the male in the backyard of a residential property. Officers attempted to take the affected person into custody however the situation became significantly physical. During the altercation, the affected person received injuries and did not survive.


Reports to crown counsel

IIO 14-174 – Vancouver Police Department (serious harm)

IIO 14-168 – Coquitlam RCMP (serious harm)


Jurisdiction released

IIO 15-108 – Victoria Police Department (death)

IIO 15-090 – GVTAPS (Transit Police) (death)

IIO 15-105 – Duncan RCMP (death)

IIO 15-113 – Nanaimo RCMP (serious harm)

IIO 15-114 – Victoria Police Department (serious harm)


Preliminary investigations: pending jurisdiction decisions

Below are cases where B.C. police agencies have notified the IIO of critical incidents – cases of potential serious harm or death where the affected person was or may have been in contact with officers. The Chief Civilian Director will sustain jurisdiction if serious harm/death AND a nexus or relationship between the injury and an officer’s action are confirmed. If the preliminary investigation does not establish serious harm and nexus, the Chief Civilian Director will release all jurisdiction.

IIO 15-083 Surrey RCMP (serious harm)

IIO 15-085 Chetwynd RCMP (serious harm)

IIO 15-088 Prince George RCMP (serious harm)

IIO 15-097 Burnaby RCMP (serious harm)

IIO 15-102 Prince George RCMP (serious harm)

IIO 15-103 Masset RCMP (serious harm)

IIO 15-111 Vancouver Police Department (serious harm)

IIO 15-115 Abbotsford Police Department (serious harm)

IIO 15-117 Smithers RCMP (serious harm)

IIO 15-118 Vancouver Police Department (serious harm)

IIO 15-119 Vancouver Police Department (Serious harm)


Jurisdiction Sustained

IIO 15-109 Salt Spring RCMP (death)


Learn More:   www.iiobc.ca
Contact:          Ralph.Krenz@iiobc.ca

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