More information about the IIO can be found here. Publications include the agreements the IIO has with police jurisdictions and other service providers, annual reports, information on the release of names legislation and informational materials.
Annual Reports
IIO 2023-2024 Annual Report
IIO 2022-2023 Annual Report
IIO 2021-2022 Annual Report
IIO 2020-2021 Annual Report
IIO 2019-2020 Annual Report
IIO 2018-2019 Annual Report
IIO 2017-2018 Annual Report
IIO 2017-2018 Annual Report
IIO 2016-2017 Annual Report
IIO 2016-2017 Annual Report
IIO 2015-2016 Annual Report
Message from the current Chief Civilian Director of the IIO
Bert Phipps
November 7, 2016
The annual report of the Independent Investigations Office for the fiscal year that ended on March 31, 2016 is available below.
I was appointed as the interim Chief Civilian Director (CCD) of the IIO in September 2016 and will remain in the position until a permanent CCD is selected. My goal during this time is to enhance the capacity of the IIO to deliver timely, highly competent investigations. At the same time my focus will be on bridging gaps with stakeholders through a respectful dialogue based on trust and recognition of the challenging and important mandate of the IIO.
Since taking on this role, I have engaged with stakeholders on the concerns outlined by the previous CCD in his final annual report. Some progress has been made on those issues and I am certain that through dialogue we will be able to achieve more. In recent weeks I have met with mayors, city councils, Provincial Government representatives, various chiefs of police, RCMP management, the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner and the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP. I am also consulting with members of IIO’s External Advisory Group which includes civil society groups, First Nations leadership, Police Board members and families of persons affected by police actions. Those with whom I’ve met have all affirmed their commitment to work with the IIO to contribute to the public’s confidence in policing through the provision of a strong, independent and well-equipped police oversight organization.
As British Columbians look ahead to the future they can be assured that a strong foundation has been built for the IIO to carry out competent, unbiased investigations that serve them well.
IIO 2014-2015 Annual Report
IIO 2014-2015 Annual Report
IIO 2013-2014 Annual Report
IIO 2013-2014 Annual Report
IIO 2012-2013 Annual Report
IIO 2012-2013 Annual Report
Civilian Monitor Reports
Civilian Monitor Terms of Reference (IIO 12-09-0002)
Civilian Monitor Terms of Reference regarding the September 10, 2012 death of Gregory Matters involving members of the RCMP in Prince George, B.C.
Civilian Monitor Report (IIO 2021-046)
On April 25, 2022, the IIO appointed Thomas George as an Indigenous Civilian Monitor to review the IIO investigation into the death of a man in Opitsaht on Meares Island. The full report submitted by Mr. George is below, as is a response from Chief Civilian Director Ronald J. MacDonald, KC.
I am pleased to publish the IIO’s first report from an Indigenous Civilian Monitor, Thomas George. Mr. George submitted his report to my office on June 30, 2022, and release of both this report and the IIO’s public report was delayed by concurrent court proceedings that have since concluded.
I extend my sincere gratitude to Mr. George for his dedicated efforts in reviewing and offering his opinion of the IIO investigation, and I thank the Tla-o-qui-at First Nation for their support of this endeavor.
Mr. George’s report has been published as it was submitted to my office. I offer the following clarifications:
- The acronym AP used throughout Mr. George’s report is an abbreviation for ‘affected person’, a neutral term used to describe the person impacted by the incident, who in this case is deceased.
- The report refers to breakfast and lunch events held at the IIO. I note that Mr. George was at the IIO office completing his review during the week of June 13, 2022, which is when BC celebrates Public Service Week. These events were held to celebrate the hard work and dedicated service of public servants, including IIO employees, and Mr. George was invited to partake.
Upon the completion of all investigative work and receipt of Mr. George’s report, I determined that there were no reasonable grounds to believe that any officer had committed an offence. Accordingly, the matter was not referred to Crown Counsel for consideration of charges, and the IIO investigation was concluded.
Ronald J. MacDonald, KC
Chief Civilian Director
Independent Investigations Office of BC
July 14, 2023
Civilian Monitor Report (IIO 12-09-0002)
Report of the Civilian Monitor into the September 10, 2012 death of Mr. Gregory Matters
Informational Materials
The Life of an IIO File
Support Information for Police Oversight and Complaints
Oversight System in BC
Outreach Poster
Other Oversight Agencies Across Canada
Information for Witnesses to Incidents Under IIO Investigation
Information for Affected Persons and Families
Information about the Independent Investigations Office
Federal, provincial and regional counselling services to support Affected Persons
Memoranda of Understanding
MOU with the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP
MOU with the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP
MOU with Police Agencies
MOU with Police Agencies
MOU with Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner
MOU with Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner
MOU with Agencies Employing Special Provincial Constables (SPC)
MOU with SPC Agencies
Other Publications
The Independent Investigations Office of BC Manual of Investigations
The Independent Investigations Office of BC Manual of Investigations
Report of the s. 42 Review of the Independent Investigations Office
In November 2016 the Director of Police Services commissioned a review of the IIO pursuant to section 42 of the Police Act. This report is available below as well as the IIO’s response at the time.
I am pleased to report that the IIO continues to make progress in addressing the recommendations identified in the Report of the s. 42 Review of the Independent Investigations Office. The following is a highlight of some of the progress that has been made since our October response:
Theme #1: systems and processes to support major case management principles
- The IIO has identified the successful vendor for a new case management system. We are now in the process of implementing this new system.
- The IIO’s file review process now includes the CCD. This allows for more timely decision making and earlier notification of Subject Officers and Affected Persons regarding the outcome of our investigations.
Theme #2: Structures to support major case management
- The IIO has completed its “Organizational Review”. This included a modification of our reporting structure to better represent actual job responsibilities. We have also specifically assigned administrative assistance to our investigative teams.
The IIO is committed to providing the people of British Columbia timely, excellent, thorough, and unbiased investigations of police-related incidents which result in the death or serious harm. The Report of the s. 42 Review of the Independent Investigations Office has played an important role in helping the IIO to meet its goals.
Ron MacDonald, Q.C.
Chief Civilian Director, IIO
January 9, 2018
Joint Statement on Release of Names
Joint Statement on Release of Names
IIO Directive 2025-01 - Body-worn Camera Footage
Guidelines and Expectations with Respect to the Conduct of IIO Investigations
These guidelines and expectations supplement the MOU between the IIO and B.C. police agencies.
A Review of the Investigation into the Police-Involved Shooting at the Starlight Casino
Foreword by Chief Civilian Director of the Independent Investigations Office
On November 8, 2012 in the vicinity of the Starlight Casino, New Westminster, B.C., as a result of interactions with the police, a male affected person sustained a gunshot wound to his torso and died 10 days later in hospital.
Fifty nine days after the IIO was established, the Independent Investigations Office commenced an investigation into the use of force applied by police and the death of the affected person. 2012-11-0178. On July 13, 2013, the IIO submitted a report to Crown counsel for consideration of charges.
On October 20, 2014, after approval by Crown counsel, an officer with the Delta Police Department was charged with one count of second-degree murder for the death of the male affected person. On July 14, 2015, based on a further review, the Crown directed a stay of proceedings.
The issues surrounding this file became the matter of very public conversation and debate. Questions were raised about the competence of the IIO, which had the potential to impact the public’s confidence in the IIO. Subsequently, the Delta Police Association submitted a complaint letter listing alleged defects in the IIO investigation. As a result, the IIO initiated a review of the investigation. This examination has not only helped the organization to better understand where improvements needed to be made and to develop solutions, but the exercise additionally sends a message to the public and police that the IIO is accountable and willing to acknowledge the need to change and grow.
As part of that process, the IIO contracted Doug Kiloh, who is a former RCMP Superintendent with extensive experience in Major Case Management and Emergency Response Teams, to review the IIO’s investigation. Mr. Kiloh was not involved in any way with the investigation nor the subsequent referral to Crown.
I have accepted the conclusions and recommendations outlined in his report, which is attached, in their entirety. I have asked Mr. Kiloh to provide a copy of his report that protects the privacy of all parties mentioned. While it is important to identify the incident to ensure the public understands what this report refers to, we also recognize that the goals of transparency can be met without identification of individuals. This ensures consistency with our usual public reports into police-related incidents.
For all of these reasons I have determined that it is in the public interest to release this report, pursuant to s. 25(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
This investigation took place in 2012 very early in the life of the IIO as an organization. Numerous changes have since been implemented at the IIO to enhance operational and administrative practices that address the issues identified by Mr. Kiloh. These include the adoption of a manual of investigations that guides investigative practices, development of a witness and affected person strategy, more rigorous training for investigators, an improved system to manage and process evidence and a new approach in presenting cases to Crown counsel. Many of these developments are expanded upon in Mr. Kiloh’s report. Other improvements have occurred since the date of the report.
As the Chief Civilian Director of the IIO, I am focused on ensuring our investigations are carried out in as excellent and timely a manner as possible. We will always work to improve where necessary. This report and our response to it is an example of how the IIO is prepared to receive feedback and acknowledge weaknesses, recognize the need to improve, and make the needed changes. As a result, the IIO has benefitted from the many improvements, and will work to continue to ensure the people of British Columbia can have the utmost confidence in its civilian oversight of police.
Ronald J. MacDonald, QC
Chief Civilian Director
Independent Investigations Office of BC
March 21, 2018